Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Pool Ball Clock

One more simple and easy clock. This clock was made by tracing out the small profile of a roll of electrical tape over colored duct tape with a pen and cutting the pieces off with a whetted scissors.
I liked this one so much that I made one just like it for the workshop but put a little glow tape on it in addition to or over the cue balls.
The clock face came from Harbor Freight Tools website and cost about $5

Copyright 2010 Thomas Paul Murphy


About Me

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Welcome to my Blogs. My name is Thomas Murphy and I love the forest and wildlife areas of Wisconsin and would like to share my thoughts and the pictures I have taken of the natural areas of Wisconsin. Come share in my collection of what I feel to some of the finest scenes and images of the forests, lakes, rivers and marshes that Wisconsin has to offer. I like to go to pristine and secluded areas where nature resides quietly and I feel the resulting “lost” images are profoundly unique. I am usually “in the moment” when I take these pictures. When I say in the moment I mean a sense of excitement often precedes what my eye captures through the camera. I never stage these shots but seem to be in the right place and time when I shoot them. And when I transfer them from my camera and view them on my computer screen I realize a sense of surrealism that resonates with me yet again to the time they were taken and exemplify the beauty of nature. Please peruse my sites and experience the beauty of being there as I did.